Sign Painting

My friend found this sign at a yard sale for $.50. She doesn’t paint so she gave it to me. There is actually a family name engraved on the back. She loves birds so I painted this bird for her. We’re both in Florida so I thought a tropical bird would be appropriate.

Book Reviews

Authors rely on book reviews to boost our algorithm. Whenever someone leaves a review, it bumps our book up the ladder, so more people see it, hopefully buy it and review it. Self-published or Indy authors, like myself, don’t make much money. It’s really just a few dollars for each sale and to be honest,… Read More Book Reviews

I Can’t Sleep with a Dog on my Head is Available in Paperback

I wrote here about the frustration I was having converting my children’s e-book into paperback. I’d done it seamlessly with my memoir, Not My Story to Tell and my novel, Rose-Coloured Houses but didn’t realize that picture books cannot be converted by KDP. I went to my trusty source, Fiverr to find help. I’ve used… Read More I Can’t Sleep with a Dog on my Head is Available in Paperback